Bouldering jargon busting series Indirock

Indirock’s bouldering jargon busting series: B is for…

Bouldering is full of jargon – every hold, grip, move has a name.  At Indirock we want to make climbing accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a complete beginning, a dabbler or a pro, we’re busting the jargon and making it easier for you to get climbing.

First up in our series we looked at jargon beginning with A. Next up, B is for…


We’ll start with the word that best describes Indirock: bouldering. Bouldering is relatively low height climbing, often very technical, usually solo. Usually on boulders of rock when outdoors.

Indirock is an indoor bouldering wall which recreates this experience indoors.


Bucket is a type of hold. A huge jug which the whole hand can grasp.


This is a climbing move. To swing round, away from the rock, when all your holds are on one side of your body; especially likely when laybacking an arête. Usually experienced where the hands and feet are on the same vertical surface, or the hands are holding something beyond the feet.


Beta is the knowledge of trick moves or protection or just about anything about a route available before you start. Initially from the US, possibly from “Betamax” (early videotape format). If you get the beta on a route, you shouldn’t encounter any nasty surprises. However, knowing the beta means you haven’t had to read the route, which is part of the fun and skill of climbing!


And then its Break The Beta, which is the idea that you’ve found an easier way to finish a problem than the routesetters intended.


A technique in which one foot pushes a hold conventionally while the other foot toe hooks the same, or a nearby, hold. Most commonly used when climbing roofs (AKA clamp).


The ability to keep the feet on their foot holds when climbing steep rock. Core strength and technique are components of body tension. Several of our Workshops offer tips and techniques on building on your core strength to benefit your climb. 


The position of the body relative to the hand and foot holds.


A Bump is making two consecutive hand moves with the same hand (AKA going again).


To climb a route with the feet and hands in opposite directions on opposing pieces of the rock face. In bouldering, bridging is ofren used in corners. AKA “Stemming”

Next up in our jargon busting series, find words beginning with C here